Logline A film about a family man who is struggling to save his house from the banks, turning his life into a reality show. A social drama with elements of black humor and suspense. Synopsis A film Director is facing financial difficulties as the banks are trying to seize his house for an old family loan. The Director decides to shoot a family drama at home with his wife and children, casting himself and his family in the lead roles. The Producer asks for more and more provocative scenes and requires a product placement in order to extract money from a strong cooperative. The Director receives a payment from the sponsors and pays an installment to the bank. Children are soon transformed into experiment animals that are constantly trying new products. The Director gets to the point of committing violence against his Wife,supposedly for the needs of fiction. She tries to escape with the children, but the Director manages to trap the family in the basement of the house. The Director leaves his family hungry and thirsty, until they are forced to consume the products he throws in the basement. Their struggle for survival is broadcasted live on the internet. The name of the show is “The BigFather”…
Anno di produzione: 2023
Regista: Konstantinos Stragalinos
Paese di produzione: Greece
Produzione: Giorgos Kaltsas, Konstantinos Stragalinos, Dimitris Raftopoulos
Sottotitoli: No